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Student’s Enrollment Options for the 2020-2021 School Year

Section I: Information for Parents, Guardians, and Students on Content Delivery

Distance Learning (DL) is only an option for the 2020 Fall Semester for students on scholarship.

Option 1:

Return to In-person classroom following Monarch Academy’s opening protocols.

Option 2:

Enroll in Monarch Academy’s Distance Learning Program

A. On-line Program (requires access to a computer/tablet and internet access)

B. Paper Packet Program (requires physically picking up and returning work packets to school)

Option 1:

Day to Day operations and protocols for when students and teachers are at/in school.

  • High School, Middle School, and Elementary School students will begin school days on staggered start times. This will allow for maximum separation of students and allow Monarch Academy to maintain social distancing for its students and staff.
  • Students will have temperature taken when they enter the building.
  • Students will be placed 6-feet apart utilizing social distancing standards when possible. Where social distancing is unattainable, dividers/partitions will be placed between each desk in every classroom.
  • Classroom capacity is limited to 9 students.
  • Staff will promote and demonstrate regular hand washing and positive hygiene behaviors and monitor their uptake.
  • Staff will promote covering mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing and disposing of used tissue immediately.
  • Staff will teach and model “creating space” and avoid unnecessary touching.
  • Signs will be posted encouraging good hand and respiratory hygiene practices
  • Teachers and staff must wear a face mask during school hours and/or when students are present. *1
  •  Student are encouraged to wear a face mask. *1
  • Student supplies will not be shared. Each student will have his/her own supply box.
  • School classrooms will be disinfected during morning snack break, lunch break, and when all students leave the classroom.
  • All common areas, such as the computer lab and library, will be disinfected after students have used and left the area.
  • At the end of each school day the teacher will disinfect the classroom, then lock the door and place a sign on the door showing the room has been disinfected for that day.
  • All sick staff and students will be required to stay at home.

Option 2:

Day to Day operations and protocols for Monarch Academy’s Distance Learning Program

Option A: 

(All students in option A will log onto Monarch Live Instructional Learning (LIL)

  • Parents will be notified through administration and instructor email concerning programs and supports for LIL. Follow up reminders will be added to our Facebook page and Class Dojo. 
  • Students will remain at home but follow the same daily class schedule as their classmates who are in traditional school. Students will participate in classroom instruction by logging onto a device and engaging with their teacher and classmates virtually by using Zoom (real-time live streaming). These students are expected to log in and out on time for class every day. They are also expected to engage in classroom activities. Attendance will be taken.
  • Work will be submitted through Google Classroom.
  • Times will be set via appointments with teachers/paraprofessionals to get individual help throughout the day for those students requiring more support. 
  • Students needing to check out technology for LIL need to call the office administrator. 
  • Technical support will be offered by the classroom teacher and administration of Monarch Academy.

Option B: 

(All students in option B will pick-up work packets and books and return completed work.)

  • Dates will be given at the beginning of the semester as to packet pick-up and drop-off dates and times.
  • Student work must be submitted, graded, and returned every two weeks. 
  • Students must check in via phone call by a given time each day (Monday-Friday when school is in session). Attendance will be taken. 
  • Students will be able to set up times/appointments with teachers to get help during the morning check-in or afternoon check-in.
  • Students must check in via phone call at the given time at the end of the day to receive full attendance.

Section II: Content Delivery/Progress Monitoring

Monarch Academy’s Instructional Continuity Plan (ICP) provides information about the educational options available for the 2020-2021 school year. Families may choose from a traditional face-to-face option incorporating guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and our local Department of Health (DOH), Monarch Live Instructional Learning (LIL), or at home Paper Packet Option (PPO). 

All ICP students will be tested via NWEA MAP testing. This adaptive, diagnostic assessment is completed three times a year to measure growth and offers valuable information for individual student educational plans. Students in the LIL classrooms must be virtually streamed in while testing is completed. PPO students are encouraged to attend in-class learning that day or have the option to virtually stream in for the testing times. Technology is available to checkout.

Platforms used:

  • ZOOM

Progress monitoring for LIL students is established in the Google Classroom where students are designated assignments and graded through a program of study. 

Each student is emailed a Program of Study (POS) every two weeks to ensure parents, acting as academic coaches, confirm their child is achieving scope and sequence goals for each academic area. Students who are unable to type on a Word document in the Google classroom can upload pictures of handwritten work on the Google Classroom to be graded.

Progress monitoring for PPO students are emailed or handed the same program of study to complete every two weeks. Books and worksheets are submitted every two weeks to Monarch Academy and returned with a new program of study to complete. 



Monarch Academy strives to provide the safest and healthiest environment for its staff and teachers to work and its students to learn. It also understands that in these trying and unique times this cannot be done in the manner it has been before. Therefore, Monarch Academy and its administrators, teachers, staff, students, and visitors will adhere to the following protocols and guidelines.

Please remember these are fluid times and these protocols may change based on recommendations from FLDOE and the CDC.

Prior to Entering the School Building:

Before arriving at the school building please:

If you have or are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Cough Sore Throat
  • Fever/Chills/Sweats Shortness of Breath/Chest Tightness
  • Nausea/Vomiting Nasal Congestion/Runny Nose
  • Loss of Taste and/or smell Body aches not associated with conditioning/training

Do not enter work/school and must contact school administration to make them aware of your condition.

  • If you have tested positive with COVID-19 you may not attend work/school and must contact school administration immediately.
  • Sick administrators, staff, teachers and/or students may not return until they have met CDC’s criteria to discontinue home isolation or show proof of a negative COVID-19 test.
  • If you have come into contact with someone who has tested positive and still has COVID-19 you should not attend work/school and must contact school administration immediately. 

You may not return to work/school until they have met CDC’s criteria to discontinue home isolation or show proof of a negative COVID-19 test.

Entrance to the school building or to remain on the school grounds is conditional until the following conditions are met:

  • Must have completed and signed the Covid-19 form/questionnaire and on file with/at Monarch Academy.
  • Temperature must be taken each day at the school and must be below 100.4° F. (If the temperature is at or above 100.4° F; that person will not be allowed into/onto the school building or remain on school property.)
  • Hands must be washed/sanitized before entering the school building.

During School Operating Hours: 

  • All administrators/staff/teachers must wear a face-mask (unless at their desk/table and no student is within 6 feet of them).
  • It is required that all visitors wear a facemask. All persons must follow state, county, and city guidelines and ordinances for wearing protective gear.*2
  • It is recommended all students wear a facemask whenever possible. Students must wear a facemask if social distancing of at least 6 feet cannot be maintained.
  • All persons must wash/sanitize their hands continuously throughout the day.
  • Try to maintain social distancing (6 feet apart) when able.
  • Routinely mentor students on such practices.

After Work/School:

  • All administrators, teachers, staff, students, and visitors should leave immediately at the conclusion of work/school. It is recommended that there be no socializing on or in the school after operating hours.
  • Teachers, staff, and janitorial personnel will sanitize the classrooms, common areas, desks, and all other areas. (Must wear gloves while doing so.) *3

If Someone Shows Symptoms or Gets Sick

Monarch Academy administrators, teachers, staff, students, and visitors must follow CDC guidance for caring for oneself and others who are sick.

Symptoms of possibly being sick from administrators, teachers, staff, students, and visitors that have signs of:

  • Cough
  • Shortness of Breath or Chest Tightness
  • Sore Throat
  • Nasal Congestion/Runny Nose
  • Body aches not associated with conditioning/practicing
  • Loss of Taste and/or Smell
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Fever/Chills/Sweats
  • Have a temperature equal to or above 100.4°F

Immediately contact school administration to make them aware of their condition and be either sent home or put into quarantine/isolation until they can leave the school grounds.

  • Administrators, teachers, staff, students, and visitors known to have been in contact with a sick individual should not attend work/school. They must contact school administration and it is recommended they self-quarantine and get tested. 
  • Administrators, teachers, staff, students, and visitors known to have tested positive with COVID-19 may not attend work/school, and they must contact school administration.
  • Monarch Academy administrators, teachers, staff, students, and visitors must follow CDC guidance for caring for oneself and others who are sick.
  • Individuals who have had close contact with a person who has symptoms should be separated and sent home as well, and follow CDC guidance for community-related exposure (see “Notify Health Officials and Close Contacts” below). If symptoms develop, individuals and families should follow CDC guidance for caring for oneself and others who are sick.

  • Sick Individuals 
  • Administrators, teachers, staff, students, and visitors known to have tested positive with COVID-19 may not attend work/school, and they must contact school administration.
  • Sick administrators, teachers, staff, students, and visitors may not return to work/school until they have met CDC’s criteria to discontinue home isolation or have taken and received a negative COVID-19 test.

If Someone Develops Symptoms or Gets Sick at Work/School

  • If an administrator, teacher, or staff member develops symptoms or gets sick while at work/school they will be immediately sent home and must follow the above protocols.
  • If a visitor develops symptoms or gets sick while visiting Monarch Academy they will be immediately asked to leave and must follow the above protocols.
  • If a student develops symptoms or gets sick while at school they will be immediately escorted to the designated area for isolation and be required to wear a mask and gloves until they have left Monarch Academy’s grounds. 
  • Their parent(s)/guardian(s) will be made aware of the situation. The student must be picked up immediately/ASAP.
  • The student must then follow the above protocols.
  • Clean and Disinfect *3
  • Close off areas used by a sick person and do not use these areas until after cleaning and disinfecting them (for outdoor areas, this includes surfaces or shared objects in the area, if applicable).
  • Wait at least 24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting. If 24 hours is not feasible, wait as long as possible. Ensure safe and correct use and storage of disinfection products, including storing them securely away from children.

Notify Health Officials and Close Contacts

In accordance with state and local privacy and confidentiality laws and regulations, Monarch Academy will notify local health officials and families immediately of any case of positive COVID-19 while maintaining confidentiality in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other applicable laws and regulations.

General Guidelines

Cloth Face Coverings

  • Face coverings may be challenging for students to wear while participating in P.E., recess, or physical activities, but it is recommended face coverings should be worn as much as possible.
  • Wearing face coverings is most important when physical distancing is difficult.
  • While wearing a face covering you should not touch the face covering and sanitize/wash hands frequently. 

*1 A record of every administrators, teachers, staff, students, and visitors temperature will be kept on file at Monarch Academy.

*2 Monarch Academy is located in Volusia Country, Florida in the City of Daytona Beach.

*3 Administrators, teachers, staff, and janitorial personnel must follow all established guidelines and protocols when cleaning and sanitizing.

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